AS ISO/IEC 19794.6-2007
Information technology – Biometric data interchange formats, Part 6: Iris image data
standard by Standards Australia, 07/02/2007

AASHTO T 356-22
Standard Method of Test for Determining Air Content of Hardened Portland Cement Concrete by High-Pressure Air Meter
standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2022

BS 476-8:1972
Fire tests on building materials and structures-Test methods and criteria for the fire resistance of elements of building construction
standard by BSI Group, 05/31/1985

IEC 62769-103-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2023
Field Device Integration (FDI) – Part 103-1: Profiles – PROFIBUS
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 04/01/2023

BS PAS 132:2007
Terminology for the bio-nano interface
standard by BSI Group, 12/31/2007

SAE J2945/7_202308
High-Precision Positioning for V2X Systems
standard by SAE International, 08/01/2023

SAE J2953/2_202305
Test Procedures for the Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Interoperability with Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)
standard by SAE International, 05/19/2023

AS ISO/IEC 15408.3-2004
Information technology – Security techniques – Evaluation criteria for IT security, Part 3: Security assurance requirements
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2004

SAE J1939DA_202307
J1939 Digital Annex
standard by SAE International, 07/31/2023

NACE MR0175-2003
Standard Material Requirements – Methods for Sulfide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance in Sour Oilfield Environments
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 01/17/2003

IEEE PC57.143
IEEE Draft Guide for Application of Monitoring Equipment to Liquid-Immersed Transformers and Components
standard by IEEE,

NACE RP0487-00
Considerations in the Selection and Evaluation of Interim Petroleum-Based Coatings
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 01/14/2000