NACE TM0197-97
Laboratory Screening Test to Determine the Ability of Scale Inhibitors to Prevent the Precipitation of Barium Sulfate and/or Strontium Sulfate from Solution
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 06/27/1997

BS PD ISO/TS 37008:2023
Internal investigations of organizations. Guidance
standard by BSI Group, 08/09/2023

NACE TM0174-96
Standard Test Method – Laboratory Methods for the Evaluation of Protective Coatings and Lining Materials in Immersion Service
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 04/01/1974

BS PAS 131:2007
Terminology for medical, health and personal care applications of nanotechnology
standard by BSI Group, 12/31/2007

ASTM E399-23
Standard Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials
standard by ASTM International, 06/01/2023

AASHTO T 305-22
Standard Method of Test for Determination of Draindown Characteristics in Uncompacted Asphalt Mixtures
standard by American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials, 2022

AS 60068.2.27:2023
Environmental testing, Part 2.27: Tests – Test Ea and guidance: Shock (IEC 60068-2-27:2008 (ED. 4.0) MOD)
standard by Standards Australia, 05/12/2023

NACE RP0387-99
Standard Recommended Practice – Metallurgical and Inspection Requirements for Cast Sacrificial Anodes for Offshore Applications
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 06/24/1999

Conduit, Electrical, Flexible, Shielded, Aluminum Alloy for Aircraft Installations (Stabilized: May 2023)
standard by SAE International, 05/22/2023

BS PD ISO/TS 4549:2023
Orthotics. Method for testing the reliability of microprocessor-controlled ankle moment units of ankle-foot orthoses
standard by BSI Group, 07/28/2023

BS PD ISO/TS 22028-5:2023
Photography and graphic technology. Extended colour encodings for digital image storage, manipulation and interchange-High dynamic range and wide colour gamut encoding for still images (HDR/WCG)
standard by BSI Group, 06/27/2023

BS PAS 185:2023
Connected places. Establishing and implementing a security-minded approach. Specification
standard by BSI Group, 07/31/2023