Ice Undercutting Test Method for Runways and Taxiways Deicing/Anti-Icing Chemicals (Cancelled Oct 2022)
standard by SAE International, 10/27/2022

SAE J2578_202301
Recommended Practice for General Fuel Cell Vehicle Safety
standard by SAE International, 01/09/2023

SAE J2009_202212
Discharge Forward Lighting System and Subsystems(STABILIZED Dec 2022)
standard by SAE International, 12/07/2022

SAE J2579_202301
Standard for Fuel Systems in Fuel Cell and Other Hydrogen Vehicles
standard by SAE International, 01/09/2023

SAE J2601/3_202209
Fueling Protocol for Gaseous Hydrogen Powered Industrial Trucks
standard by SAE International, 09/16/2022

SAE J3076_202212
Clock Extension Peripheral Interface (CXPI)(STABILIZED Dec 2022)
standard by SAE International, 12/20/2022

SAE J3218_202209
Definition and Measurement of Beam Axle Efficiency
standard by SAE International, 09/14/2022

SAE J792_202209
SAE Manual on Blast Cleaning
standard by SAE International, 09/23/2022

NACE SP0775-2023
Preparation, Installation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Corrosion Coupons in Hydrocarbon Operations
standard by National Association of Corrosion Engineers, 2023

Standard Requirements for Aerospace Sealants and Adhesion Promoters
standard by SAE International, 11/14/2022

SAE J1567_199412
Collision Detection Serial Data Communications Multiplex Bus(Cancelled Dec 1994)
standard by SAE International, 12/01/1994