BS 2570:1962
Natural fibre twines
standard by BSI Group, 09/27/1962

BS 257:1926
Exterior oil varnish
standard by BSI Group, 05/01/1931

BS 2627:1955
Wrought aluminium for electrical purposes. Wire
standard by BSI Group, 09/24/1957

BS 2775:1956
Rubber tubing and bungs for laboratory use
standard by BSI Group, 10/17/1956

BS 2782-4:METHODS 454A+AND 454B:1978
Methods of testing plastics. Chemical properties-Determination of ash. Determination of sulphated ash
standard by BSI Group, 01/31/1978

BS 2782-9 METHOD 941:1990
Methods of testing plastics. Sampling and test specimen preparation-Determination of maximum reversion of amorphous thermoplastics moulding materials
standard by BSI Group, 10/31/1990

Stationary Runway Weather Information System (In-Pavement)(STABILIZED Feb 2023)
standard by SAE International, 02/20/2023

SAE AS23053B
Insulation Sleeving, Electrical, Heat Shrinkable, General Specification for
standard by SAE International, 10/01/2022

ICC NJ-BC-2021
2021 International Building Code, New Jersey Edition
standard by International Code Council, 2021

Weather Data Viewer 2021 – Enterprise License
Software by ASHRAE, 2021

API Spec 7-1
Rotary Drill Stem Elements
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 02/01/2023