BS PD CEN/TR 15310-4:2006
Characterization of waste. Sampling of waste materials. Guidance on procedures for sample packaging, storage, preservation, transport and delivery
standard by BSI Group, 12/29/2006

BS PD CEN/TR 15709:2008
Hardware for furniture. Terms for slide fittings for sliding doors and roll fronts
standard by BSI Group, 05/30/2008

BS PD CEN/TR 16142:2011
Concrete. A study of the characteristic leaching behaviour of hardened concrete for use in the natural environment
standard by BSI Group, 03/31/2011

BS PD CEN/TR 16470:2013
Environmental aspects of ductile iron pipe systems for water and sewerage applications
standard by BSI Group, 06/30/2013

BS PD CEN/TR 16788:2014
Characterization of sludges. Guideline of good practice for thermal processes
standard by BSI Group, 11/30/2014

BS PD CEN/TS 1317-8:2012
Road restraint systems. Motorcycle road restraint systems which reduce the impact severity of motorcyclist collisions with safety barriers
standard by BSI Group, 05/31/2012

BS PD CEN/TS 16555-7:2015
Innovation management. Innovation Management Assessment
standard by BSI Group, 12/31/2015

BS PD CEN/TS 17331:2019
Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances. Content of organic substances. Methods for extraction and analysis
standard by BSI Group, 05/20/2019

BS PD CISPR/TR 16-4-4:2007+A1:2017
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods. Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling. Statistics of complaints and a model for the calculation of limits for the protection of radio services
standard by BSI Group, 08/31/2007

BS PD 6493:1991
Guidance on Methods for Assessing the Acceptability of Flaws in Fusion Welded Structures
standard by BSI Group, 08/30/1991

BS PD 6585-1:1996
Hand-arm vibration. Guidelines for vibration hazards reduction. Engineering methods by design of machinery
standard by BSI Group, 04/15/1996

BS PD 7974-3:2003
Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings. Structural response and fire spread beyond the enclosure of origin (Sub-system 3)
standard by BSI Group, 01/30/2003