BS PD CEN/TR 16676:2014
Energy losses by industrial door
standard by BSI Group, 11/30/2014

BS PD CEN/TS 15901-15:2014
Road and airfield surface characteristics. Procedure for determining the skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCI): The IMAG
standard by BSI Group, 11/30/2014

BS PD CEN/TS 16318:2012
Fertilizers. Determination of trace elements. Determination of chromium(VI) by photometry (method A) and by ion chromatography with spectrophotometric detection (method B)
standard by BSI Group, 05/31/2012

BS PD CEN/TS 16555-1:2013
Innovation Management. Innovation Management System
standard by BSI Group, 07/31/2013

BS PD CEN/TS 16611:2014
Furniture. Assessment of the surface resistance to microscratching
standard by BSI Group, 04/30/2014

BS PD CEN/TS 17176-3:2019
Plastic piping systems for water supply and for buried and above ground drainage, sewerage and irrigation under pressure. Oriented unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-O). Fittings
standard by BSI Group, 05/02/2019

BS PD CEN/TS 17196:2018
Construction products: Assessment of release of dangerous substances. Digestion by aqua regia for subsequent analysis of inorganic substances
standard by BSI Group, 07/24/2018

BS PD CLC/TR 50373:2004
Wind turbines. Electromagnetic compatibility
standard by BSI Group, 09/22/2004

BS PD CLC/TR 60079-33:2015
Explosive atmospheres. Equipment protection by special protection 's'
standard by BSI Group, 11/30/2013

BS PD CLC/TR 62453-51-32:2019
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification. Communication implementation for common object model. IEC 61784 CP 3/4, CP 3/5 and CP 3/6
standard by BSI Group, 03/01/2019

BS PD CLC/TS 50136-7:2017
Alarm systems. Alarm transmission systems and equipment. Application guidelines
standard by BSI Group, 09/29/2017

BS PD CLC/TS 62441:2012
Safeguards against accidentally caused candle flame ignition for audio/video, communication and information technology equipment
standard by BSI Group, 06/30/2013