BS PD CEN/TS 16660:2015
Characterization of waste. Leaching behaviour test. Determination of the reducing character and the reducing capacity
standard by BSI Group, 05/31/2015

BS PD CLC/TR 50117-8:2013
Coaxial cables used in cabled distribution networks. Repair and substitute of damaged buried cables
standard by BSI Group, 04/30/2013

BS PD CLC/TR 50600-99-3:2018
Information technology. Data centre facilities and infrastructures. Guidance to the application of EN 50600 series
standard by BSI Group, 08/29/2018

BS PD CLC/TS 50625-3-3:2017
Collection, logistics & treatment requirements for WEEE. Specification for de-pollution. WEEE containing CRTs and flat panel displays
standard by BSI Group, 09/01/2017

BS PD CR 12471:2002
Screening tests for nickel release from alloys and coatings in items that come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin
standard by BSI Group, 09/30/2002

BS PD ES 59008-5-1:2001
Data requirements for semiconductor die. Particular requirements and recommendations for die types. Bare die
standard by BSI Group, 07/15/2001

BS PD IEC TR 61282-1:2000
Fibre optic communication system design guides. Single-mode digital and analogue systems
standard by BSI Group, 07/15/2000

BS PD IEC TR 62453-51-31:2017
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification. Communication implementation for common object model. IEC 61784 CP 3/1 and CP 3/2
standard by BSI Group, 03/05/2018

BS PD IEC TR 63216:2019
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Electromagnetic compatibility assessment for switchgear and controlgear and their assemblies
standard by BSI Group, 11/04/2019

BS PD IEC TS 62312-2:2018
Guideline for synchronization of audio and video. Methods for synchronization of audio and video systems
standard by BSI Group, 11/08/2018

BS PD IEC/TR 60721-4-4:2002
Classification of environmental conditions. Guidance for the correlation and transformation of environmental condition classes of IEC 60721-3 to the environmental tests of IEC 60068. Stationary use at non-weatherprotected locations
standard by BSI Group, 03/19/2002

BS PD IEC/TR 60787:2007
Application guide for the selection of high-voltage current-limiting fuse-links for transformer circuits
standard by BSI Group, 05/31/2007