IEEE Test Suite Specification
IEEE Camera Phone Image Quality Test Plan
standard by IEEE, 05/18/2018

FCI 91-2-2001
Standard for Solenoid Valve Seat Leakage
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 01/01/2001

IEEE N42.20-1995
ANSI Performance Criteria for Active Personnel Radiation Monitors
standard by IEEE, 06/20/1995

IEEE 1865.2-2019
IEEE Standard Specifications for Maintenance and Test of Distributed Control Systems in Thermal Power Stations: Operation Service and Management
standard by IEEE, 04/10/2020

FCI 85-1-2003
Standard for Production Testing for Steam Traps
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 01/01/2003

FCI 99-3-2007
Back Pressure Regulator Capacity
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 01/01/2007

IEEE Smart Grid Research: Consumer Socialization
IEEE Global Consumer Socialization of Smart Grid
standard by IEEE, 09/03/2013

FCI 86-1-1993 (R2003)
Standard Solenoid Valve Terminology and Nomenclature
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 01/01/1993

FCI 97-1-2019
Standard for Production Testing of Secondary Pressure Drainers
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 2019

FCI 70-2-2013
Control Valve Seat Leakage
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 2013