Category: ANS
ANS 56.10-1982 (R1987)
Subcompartment Pressure and Temperature Transient Analysis in Light Water Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1982
ANS 16.1-2003 (R2017)
Measurement of the Leachability of Solidified Low-Level Radioactive Wastes by a Short-Term Test Procedure
standard by American Nuclear Society, 07/07/2003
ANS 15.11-2009
Radiation Protection at Research Reactor Facilities
standard by American Nuclear Society, 10/08/2009
ANS 55.6-1979
Liquid Radioactive Waste Processing System for Light Water Reactor Plants
standard by American Nuclear Society, 04/24/1979
ANS 8.15-1981 (R2005)
Nuclear Criticality Control of Special Actinide Elements
standard by American Nuclear Society, 11/09/1981
ANS 16.1-2019
Measurement of the Leachability of Solidified Low-Level Radioactive Wastes by a Short-Term Test Procedure
standard by American Nuclear Society, 02/22/2019
ANS 8.1-1983 (R1988)
Nuclear Criticality Safety in Operations with Fissionable Materials Outside Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 10/07/1983
ANS 19.6.1-2011 (R2016)(W2019)
Reload Startup Physics Tests for Pressurized Water Reactors
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/13/2011
ANS RA-S-1.3-2017
Standard for Radiological Accident Offsite Consequence Analysis (Level 3 PRA) to Support Nuclear Installation Applications – ASME/ANS RA-S-1.3-2017 (Trial Use Standard)
standard by American Nuclear Society, 07/13/2017
ANS 56.6-1986
Pressurized Water Reactor Containment Ventilation Systems
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1986
ANS 2.19-1981 (R1990)
Guidelines for Establishing Site-Related Parameters for Site Selection and Design of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
standard by American Nuclear Society, 01/01/1981
ANS 8.23-2019
Nuclear Criticality Accident Emergency Planning and Response
standard by American Nuclear Society, 09/16/2019