Category: API
API Publ 4616
The Importance of Using Alternatice Base Cases in Photchemical Modeling
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 09/01/1994
API Publ 345
Management of Residual Materials: 1996, Petroleum Refining Performance
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 06/01/1998
API RP 5L9 (R2015)
Recommended Practice for External Fusion Bounded Epoxy Coating of Line Pipe, First Edition
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 12/01/2001
API RP 1107
Pipeline Maintenance Welding Practices
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 04/01/1991
API RP 12N (R2008)
Operations, Maintenance and Testing of Firebox Flame Arrestors
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 11/01/1994
API RP 50 (R2013)
Natural Gas Processing Plant Practices For Protecting the Environment
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 12/01/1995
API RP 11S2 (R2013)
Electric Submersible Pump Testing
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 08/01/1997
API Std 2220
Contractor Safety Performance Process, Third Edition
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 10/01/2011
API Std 664
Spiral Plate Heat Exchangers, First Edition
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 03/01/2014
API Std 599
Metal Plug Valves – Flanged, Threaded and Welding Ends
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 08/01/2002
API Spec 11E
Specifications for Pumping Units, Eighteenth Edition, Includes Errata (2009)
standard by American Petroleum Institute, 11/01/2008