Category: ASA

ASA S1.22-1992 (R2007)
American National Standard Scales and Sizes for Frequency Characteristics and Polar Diagrams in Acoustics
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 01/01/1992

ASA S2.26-2001 (R2016)
American National Standard – Vibration Testing Requirements and Acceptance Criteria for Shipboard Equipment
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 11/20/2001

ASA S2.9-2008 (R2018)
American National Standard Parameters for Specifying Damping Properties of Materials and System Damping
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 06/13/2008

ASA S1.20-2012 (R2020)
American National Standard for Procedures for Calibration of Underwater Electroacoustic Transducers.
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 02/17/2012

ASA S2.41-1985 (R2001)
American National Standard Mechanical Vibration of Large Rotating Machines with Speed Range from 10 to 200 rev/s – Measurement and Evaluation of Vibration Severity in Situ
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 01/01/1985

ASA S12.35-1990 (R2001)
American National Standard Precision Methods for the Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources in Anechoic and Hemi-Anechoic Rooms
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 01/01/1990

ASA S1.42-2001 (R2016)
American National Standard for Design Response of Weighting Networks for Acoustical Measurements.
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020

ASA S3.35-2010 (R2020)
Method of Measurement of Performance Characteristics of Hearing Aids Under Simulated Real-Ear Working Conditions
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 02/25/2010

ASA S12.12-1992 (R2020)
American National Standard for Engineering Method for the Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Intensity.
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 01/27/1992

ASA S1.18-2018
American National Standard Method for Determining the Acoustic Impedance of Ground Surfaces
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 2018

ASA S12.54-2011/ISO 3744-2010 (R2020)
Acoustics – Determination of Sound Power Levels of Noise Sources Using Sound Pressure – Engineering Method in an Essentially Free Field Over a Reflecting Plane
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 03/01/2011

ASA S2.81-2019/Part 11/ ISO 21940-11:2016
AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Mechanical vibration – Rotor balancing – Part 11: Procedures and tolerances for rotors with rigid behaviour (a nationally adopted international standard)
standard by American National Standards of the Acoustical Society of America, 2019