Category: ASTM
ASTM E1994-09
Standard Practice for Use of Process Oriented AOQL and LTPD Sampling Plans
standard by ASTM International, 11/01/2009
ASTM E1823-11
Standard Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing
standard by ASTM International, 06/01/2011
ASTM D653-08a
Standard Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained Fluids
standard by ASTM International, 12/01/2008
ASTM D975-18
Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils
standard by ASTM International, 04/01/2018
ASTM E1465-07
Standard Practice for Radon Control Options for the Design and Construction of New Low-Rise Residential Buildings
standard by ASTM International, 06/01/2007
ASTM E2061-12
Standard Guide for Fire Hazard Assessment of Rail Transportation Vehicles
standard by ASTM International, 08/01/2012
ASTM D6681-05
Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Engine Oils in a High Speed, Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine-Caterpillar 1P Test Procedure
standard by ASTM International, 11/01/2005
ASTM D8111-18a
Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils in the Sequence IIIH, Spark-Ignition Engine
standard by ASTM International, 10/01/2018
ASTM D7320-12
Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Automotive Engine Oils in the Sequence IIIG, Spark-Ignition Engine
standard by ASTM International, 04/15/2012
ASTM E1316-04
Standard Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations
standard by ASTM International, 02/01/2004
ASTM D6975-03
Standard Test Method for Cummins M11 EGR Test
standard by ASTM International, 11/01/2003
ASTM D6750-10
Standard Test Methods for Evaluation of Engine Oils in a High-Speed, Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine-1K Procedure (0.4 % Fuel Sulfur) and 1N Procedure (0.04 % Fuel Sulfur)
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2010