Category: BS
BS 1121-33:1955
Methods for the analysis of iron and steel. Iron in ores, slags and refactories
standard by BSI Group, 02/21/1955
BS 1380-4-4.3:1979
Method for determining the speed of sensitized photographic materials. Specification for light sources for sensitometric exposure-Simulation of the spectral distribution of photoflood illumination
standard by BSI Group, 02/28/1979
BS 1217:1945
Specification for cast stone
standard by BSI Group, 04/06/1945
BS 1336:1946
standard by BSI Group, 06/18/1956
BS 1428-K1:1958
Vapourimetric molecular weight determination apparatus microchemical apparatus accessories for physical gravimetric methods
standard by BSI Group, 02/20/1958
BS 1181:1971
Specification for clay flue linings and flue terminals
standard by BSI Group, 06/21/1971
BS 1416:1948
Methods for the sampling and analysis of rennet casein
standard by BSI Group, 05/10/1948
BS 1012-1R:1942
Schedule of sizes of composite containers for British packers in the United Kingdom for the home trade
standard by BSI Group, 04/04/1944
BS 1155:1944
Plain rubber tubing for government department requirements
standard by BSI Group, 03/03/1944
BS 1363:1947
Two pole and earthing pin fused plugs and shuttered socket outlets for A-C circuits up to 250 volts (not intended for use on D.C.circuits)
standard by BSI Group, 06/30/1947
BS 1151:1945
Standard form of time and wages sheet and pay packet for the building and civil engineering contracting industries
standard by BSI Group, 09/21/1945
BS 1000[65/651+657/659]:1991
Universal Decimal Classification. English full edition-Management and organization of industry and commerce
standard by BSI Group, 03/29/1991