Category: CLSI

CLSI C34-A3 (R2018)
Sweat Testing: Sample Collection and Quantitative Chloride Analysis; Approved Guideline – Third Edition, C34A3E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 12/01/2009

User Evaluation of Between-Reagent Lot Variation; Approved Guideline, EP26AE
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 09/01/2013

Analytical Performance Characteristics, Quality Assurance, and Clinical Utility of Immunological Assays for Human Immunoglobulin E Antibodies of Defined Allergen Specificities, 3rd Edition, ILA20Ed3E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 10/01/2016

Laboratory Automation: Bar Codes for Specimen Container Identification; Approved Standard, AUTO02A2E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 01/05/2006

CLSI EP30-A (R2018)
Characterization and Qualification of Commutable Reference Materials for Laboratory Medicine; Approved Guideline, EP30AE
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 05/01/2010

Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Confirmation of Drugs; Approved Guideline-Second Edition, C43A2E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 03/01/2010

CLSI M57-Ed1
Principles and Procedures for the Development of Epidemiological Cutoff Values for Antifungal Susceptibility Testing
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 04/25/2016

CLSI C58-A (R2018)
Assessment of Fetal Lung Maturity by the Lamellar Body Count; Approved Guideline, C58AE
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 11/01/2011

CLSI M23-Ed4
Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Testing Criteria and Quality Control Parameters; 4th Edition M23Ed4E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 01/01/2016

One-Stage Prothrombin Time (PT) Test and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) Test; Approved Guideline – Second Edition., H47-A2
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 01/01/2008

CLSI M100-Ed29
Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, 29th Edition, M100Ed29E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 12/27/2018