Category: FCI

FCI 91-1-2020
Standard for Qualification of Control Valve Stem Seals
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 2020

FCI 81-1-1985 (R1998)
Standard for Proof of Pressure Ratings for Temperature Regulators
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 01/01/1985

FCI 15-1-2015
Production Testing of Pressure Regulators
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 2015

FCI 82-1-1985 (R1998)
Recommended Methods for Testing and Classifying the Water Hammer Characteristics of Electrically Operated Valves
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 01/01/1985

FCI 91-1-2010
Standard for Qualification of Control Valve Stem Seals
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 10/01/2010

FCI 70-3-2016
Regulator Seat Leakage
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 2016

FCI 84-1-1985 (R2013)
Metric Definition of the Valve Flow Coefficient Cv
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 1986

FCI 79-1-2016
Standard for Proof of Pressure Ratings for Pressure Regulators and Temperature Regulators
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 01/01/2016

FCI 87-2-2015 (R2019)
Power Signal Standard for Spring-Diaphragm Actuated Control Valves
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 2015

FCI 97-1-1998
Standard for Production Testing of Secondary Pressure Drainers
standard by Fluid Controls Institute,

FCI 87-1-2004
Classification and Operating Principles of Steam Traps
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 01/01/2004

FCI 13-1-2016
Determining Condensate Loads to Size Steam Traps
standard by Fluid Controls Institute, 2016