Category: IEEE
IEEE 12207-2-2020
ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard – Systems and software engineering–Software life cycle processes–Part 2: Relation and mapping between ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2017 and ISO/IEC 12207:2008
standard by IEEE, 10/23/2020
IEEE P7001
IEEE Draft Standard for Transparency of Autonomous Systems
standard by IEEE,
IEEE P2675
IEEE Draft Standard for DevOps: Building Reliable and Secure Systems Including Application Build, Package and Deployment
standard by IEEE,
IEEE 1003.1-2008
IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX(R))
standard by IEEE, 12/01/2008
IEEE 1003.2d-1994
IEEE Standard for Information Technology–Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX(R))–Part 2: Shell and Utilities–Amendment 1: Batch Environment
Amendment by IEEE, 06/09/1995
IEEE 1003.1-1988
IEEE Standard Portable Operating System Interface for Computer Environments
standard by IEEE, 09/30/1988
IEEE 1003.2/INT-1994
IEEE Standards Interpretations for IEEE Std 1003.2-1992
standard by IEEE, 05/02/1994
IEEE 1003.2-1992
IEEE Standard for Information Technology–Portable Operating System Interfaces (POSIX(R))–Part 2: Shell and Utilities
standard by IEEE, 06/23/1993
IEEE 1003.1q-2000
IEEE Standard for Information technology–Portable Operating Systems Interface (POSIX(R))–Part 1: System Application Program Interface (API)–Amendment 7: Tracing [C Language]
standard by IEEE, 07/20/2001
IEEE 1016-2009
IEEE Standard for Information Technology–Systems Design–Software Design Descriptions
standard by IEEE, 07/20/2009
IEEE 1028-2008
IEEE Standard for Software Reviews and Audits
standard by IEEE, 08/15/2008
IEEE 7010-2020
IEEE Recommended Practice for Assessing the Impact of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems on Human Well-Being
standard by IEEE, 05/01/2020