Category: IEEE
IEEE Smart Grid Research: Computing
IEEE Smart Grid Vision for Computing: 2030 and Beyond
standard by IEEE, 04/30/2013
IEEE N42.30-2002
American National Standard for Performance Specification for Tritium Monitors
standard by IEEE, 11/25/2002
IEEE C37.98-2013
IEEE Standard for Seismic Qualification Testing of Protective Relays and Auxiliaries for Nuclear Facilities
standard by IEEE, 04/30/2014
IEEE C95.2-1999
IEEE Standard for Radio-Frequency Energy and Current-Flow Symbols
standard by IEEE, 12/30/1999
IEEE C2-2007
National Electrical Safety Code 2007 Edition
standard by IEEE, 08/01/2006
IEEE C37.30-1997
IEEE Standard Requirements for High Voltage Switches
standard by IEEE, 03/05/1998
IEEE C95.2-1982
American National Standard Radio Frequency Radiation Hazard Warning Symbol
standard by IEEE, 06/07/1982
IEEE C37.23-1987
IEEE Guide for Metal-Enclosed Bus and Calculating Losses in Isolated-Phase Bus
standard by IEEE, 07/06/1987
IEEE C95.1-2345-2014
IEEE Standard for Military Workplaces–Force Health Protection Regarding Personnel Exposure to Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields, 0 Hz to 300 GHz
standard by IEEE, 05/30/2014
IEEE C37.82-1987
IEEE Standard for the Qualification of Switchgear Assemblies for Class 1E Applications in Nuclear Power Generating Stations
standard by IEEE, 11/30/1986
IEEE C37.20.1-2015
IEEE Standard for Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage (1000 Vac and below, 3200 Vdc and below) Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
standard by IEEE, 07/13/2015
IEEE C37.114-2014
IEEE Guide for Determining Fault Location on AC Transmission and Distribution Lines
standard by IEEE, 01/30/2015